Setting up your Project and getting your Token

Learn how to sign up for Metrik and get your first project up and running.


Sign in with Roblox on Metrik and start the onboarding

Head over to and sign in with your Roblox account. If this is your first time you should be redirected to the onboarding flow.


Complete the onboarding to create your first Project

The onboarding flow will require an Open Cloud API Token from Roblox to let the Metrik backend server interact with your game through MessagingService. We have a dedicated guide on how to create a token here.

You must either own the experience, or be the owner of the group that owns the experience to add it to Metrik. This is to prevent abuse of our platform. If your group is owned by a holder account, login to the holder account on Metrik and add the experience, then you can add yourself as an Admin to the studio.


Go to your Project Settings to create a Token

The Metrik SDK requires an API token to be used in your experience. You can create a token by heading over to your Project settings, and heading to the ‘Tokens’ tab.

Click the ‘Create Token’ button and give it a name and optionally an expiry, however then you have to remember to update your token to avoid breaking the SDK integration. You can then copy the token. Save it so we can use it in later steps.

We don’t save your raw token in our database, so we are unable to recover your token if you lose it. Make sure you save it somewhere safe such as a password manager.

Install and configure the SDK

Learn how to install & update the SDK, and configure it with your token.
